













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4;:2 -





 (1 John 2:18-23)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert


I.     THE DANGER OF THE WORLD (2:15-16)




A.    The Spirit of Antichrist (18, 22; 4:3)


1.     Having discussed the believer’s enemies, which are the world (15-16) and the flesh (17), we will discuss the third enemy, the devil.

2.     In these passages, the “devil” is not named specifically, but there are references to the “spirit of antichrist”, which are related to the devil. However, the “evil one” (tos ponęros) is mentioned five times (1Jo 2:13, 14; 3:12; 5:18, 19) and “devil” is mentioned four times in two verses (1Jo 3:8, 10). In this epistle, John teaches various aspects about our enemy the devil.

a)    The whole world lies in the power of the evil one (1Jo 5:19; Eph 2:2).

b)    Some of the characteristics of the evil one are evil (ponęros - Mat 13:19; Eph 6:16; Gal 1:4), sin, and murder (1Jo 3:12)

c)     The works of the devil have been destroyed (1Jo 3:8)

d)    The evil one is ultimately unable to touch the believer (1Jo 5:18; Joh 17:15).

e)     Believers are able to overcome the evil one through the sword of the Spirit, the word of God (1Jo 2:14; Eph 6:17 cp. Mat 4:4ff).

f)     The ministry of the evil one is an anti-Christ (anti - against) ministry (1Jo 2:18, 22; 4:3). John is not speaking of the person of the antichrist who will be Satan’s counterfeit-Christ (2Th 2:3-10 cp. Rev 13:1-8). The spirit of antichrist that John speaks of has several characteristics.

(1)   The spirit of antichrist is already in the world (1Jo 2:18a).

(2)   There are many antichrists in the world (1Jo 2:18b).

(3)   Because of the spirit of antichrist, we are in the “last hour” of God’s program (1Jo 2:18c).

(4)   The spirit of antichrist denies the redemptive work of Christ (1Jo 2:22a).

(5)   The spirit of antichrist denies the deity of Christ and the Trinity (1Jo 2:22b-23; 1Jo 4:3).

(6)   The spirit of antichrist deceives through false teaching (2Jo 1:7).

3.     The false teachers in John’s day (Cerinthus) exhibited the spirit of antichrist in their false teaching in denying the deity of Christ and His redemption.


B.    The Spirit of Apostasy (19)


1.     These particular false teachers and their followers did not stay with John’s fellowship of believers because they disagreed with the truth (sound doctrine).

2.     This is also an evidence for salvation. An individual who love s Christ, loves Christ’s Word, and Christ’s people will gravitate to assemble together (Heb 10:25).

3.     It is akin to Jesus asking His disciple if they were going to leave like the rest of the masses. Peter replied, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life.” (Joh 6:67-68).

4.     There will be a specific apostasy (2Th 2:3-4), which happens during the “abomination of desolation” (Mat 24:15). But John is speaking of a general apostasy taking place in the present among those who are not true believers.


C.    The Spirit of God (20, 21, 23, 27)


1.     John assures his readers that they have an anointing, i.e. the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was sent from Christ (20).

a)    Christ (Christós - means the Anointed One, i.e the Messiah) was the One chosen and sent to be the Messiah (Act 10:38; Joh 1:32-33). When Christ ascended, He promised another Paraclete  like Himself and sent the Holy Spirit. In this sense the Holy Spirit is the anointing (vs. 27, to chrísma) who was chosen to indwell and teach the church.

b)    The Holy Spirit teaches believers so that they will know (oida - perceive) the truth. This is not at the expense of spiritually gifted teachers, but they are gifted by the Holy Spirit and the church discerns truth through the Word by the Spirit.

2.     John writes to these believers because they know the truth (21).

a)    This does not suggest that believers never have to study and learn. However, when believers study, the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God to them in the Word (1Co 2:10).

b)    There is no lie “out of” (ek) the truth. There is no contradiction with God’s truth or Word. There is no part truth and part lie. This is the tactic of false teachers and they are liars (vs. 22).

c)     Believers are able to detect falsehood by knowing truth through the Holy Spirit (Joh 14:26).

3.     Someone will either deny the Son or confess the Son (23).

a)    The one who confesses the Son is a believer, but the one who denies him is a false teacher or a non-believer.

b)    John’s gospel is very simple. One either has Christ or he does not (1Jo 5:11-12)

c)     The one who has Christ has eternal life, the other does not.




A.    Defense Against the Devil


1.     The believer is never instructed to be aggressive against the devil, whether by attempting to bind him, rebuke him, or destroy his territories. Instead he is instructed to submit to God and “resist” the devil (Jam 4:7)

2.     The believer is instructed twice in Ephesians 6 to “stand firm” in the truth against the wiles of the devil (Eph 6:11, 13).

3.     There will be spiritual warfare according to Eph 6:12 and Satan is a formidable foe. However, the believer cannot be possessed by demonic forces or ultimately be defeated by them.


B.    Defense Against Deception


1.     The believer overcomes Satan and his deception by knowing the truth from God’s word.

2.     The pejorative cliché, “doctrine divides” was probably started by Satan himself.

3.     Doctrine does divide; it divides truth from error. Doctrine does divide; it divides those who have Christ from those who do not.

4.     The believer is to discern everything through the grid of the Bible. The believer is to have a logical mind, but logic based on the truth of the Scriptures. There is no lie of the truth.