Grace Bible Church

Preaching the Living Word through the Written Word












(2Pe 2:1), 12/14/16

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.    Duration of False Teachers

1. Just as Peter knew that there were false teachers throughout all of Israel’s history, there would always be false teachers in every age. Peter’s day was no exception.

2. The ultimate false teacher is Satan (Gen 3:1) and he is the source behind all false teaching (1Ti 4:1; 1Jo 4:1-3 cf. 2Co 11:14).

3. God does not tolerate those who attempt to pervert His Word and lead His people astray (Deu 13:1-5; Deu 18:20-22 cf. Isa 9:15; Mic 3:5-7; Mat 7:15-20; 1Ti 6:3-5; 2Ti 3:1-9; 2Jn 7-11).

4. False Teachers in the OT

a.     Balaam (Num 22-24)

b.     Zedekiah (1Ki 22:23-24)

c.     Hananiah (Jer 28:15-17)

d.     Shemaiah (Jer 29:31-32)

e.     Ahab (Jer 29:21)

f.     Zedekiah (Jer 29:21)

g.     Noadiah (Neh 6:14)

h.     A group of false prophets (Ezek 13:1-3)

i.      A group of false prophetesses (Ezek 13:22-23)

5. False Teachers in the NT

a.     Elymas (Acts 13:6-8)

b.     False prophets in the last days (Matt. 24:24)

c.     Jezebel (Rev 2:20)

d.     The false prophet (Rev 19:20 cf. Rev 13:11-18)

e.     False prophets who followed the way of Balaam (2Pe 2:15; Rev 2:14)

B.    Destructive Heresies

1. These false teachers “secretly introduce” false teaching. The word “secretly” is the Greek word pareisagō and means “to bring in without notice or in secret.”

a.     They do not announce their secret intentions, otherwise they would be found out and reproved.

b.     Jude (vs. 4) described false teachers who “crept in unnoticed” (pareisduō – worm one’s way in, sneak).

2. These false teachers secretly introduce destructive heresies.

a.     “Heresy” (hairesis) is defined by Vine as “an opinion, especially a self-willed opinion, which is substituted for submission to the power of truth, and leads to division and the formation of sects.”

b.     A heresy is holding to distinct tenets or beliefs contrary to established doctrine. In Peter’s day, it would be any teaching that was contrary to the apostle’s teaching (Act 2:42).

c.     All heresies are bad and are described as “destructive” (apōleia – to experience ruin or to experience eternal punishment). Heresies ruin the lives of true believers and eternally ruin the souls of unbelievers.

C.    Denial of the Master

1. What about the false teachers themselves? Are they saved? The answer is that the false teachers that Peter described are not saved.

a.     These false teachers ultimately deny the Master, that is, the Lord. In other words, they deny the Lordship of Christ. False teachers deny the Lordship of Christ when they deny His Word in regard to doctrine and holy living.

b.     The word “bought” is the Greek word agorazō and means to purchase in a marketplace. It was also used for a slave who is purchased by a master. It is in this latter sense that the Scriptures refer to the idea that Christ’s death redeems (or buys back) sinners (1Co 6:20; Gal 4:5; Tit 2:14) and sets them free.

c.     How could these false teachers be “bought” by the Master but not saved?

1)    It cannot mean that they were bought, saved, but lost their salvation. A true believer’s position in Christ guarantees that no one can snatch a true believer from Christ’s secure hand (Joh 10:28-29).

2)    Some see the word “bought” in reference to creation and not salvation.

3)    Perhaps the best explanation is that these false teachers merely professed to know Christ as Savior, but did not. The parable of the seed and the sower (Mat 13:18-23) is a prime example that not all who profess to know Christ, actually do.

4)    Christ’s death was sufficient to redeem the whole world, but is efficient to actually redeem only those who believe (1Jo 2:2). We could add that the only ones who truly believe are the ones who were chosen by God (Eph 1:4; 1Pe 1:1; 2:9; 2Pe 1;1).

5)    So these false teachers merely professed to know and be bought by Christ, but in actuality they denied Him and His salvation (1Jo 2:19).

2. Therefore, their destruction was described by Peter as swift and brought upon by themselves.

a.     The swift destruction that will come upon these false teachers is a reference to eternal destruction. The word “destruction” is the same Greek word as in “destructive heresies” and elsewhere means eternal destruction (Mat 7:13; Phil 1:28; 2Pe 3:7; Rev 17:11).

b.     Ultimately, these false teachers rejected the Lord and His salvation by preaching a different gospel from the only one that truly saves (Act 4:12; Gal 1:8-9).




A.    False Teachers Influence People to Follow

1. What makes a false teacher successful is his or her ability to influence people to follow them.

2. This is accomplished through various means and methods.

a.     Scripture twisting

b.     Charismatic personality

c.     Domineering personality

d.     Guilt (warnings about divine consequences)

e.     Deceit (lie about family and friends)

f.     False Promises

3. It is not wrong to submit oneself under the leadership of biblical and godly individuals. But even biblical leadership is accountable to the lordship of Christ and His Word.

4. It is not wrong to submit oneself to the teaching ministry of a pastor or teacher. But the purpose of doing so is to learn the Scriptures from a trusted individual who studies and teaches the Scriptures unbiasedly and with commitment to the truth.




A.    There are false teachers who answer theological questions like politicians. You cannot get a straight biblical answer. Therefore, beware!

B.    Unfortunately, some false teachers today do not even try to conceal their false teachings. Because discernment is lacking in the church, such secrecy is not necessary.

C.    Ultimately, false teachers introduce destructive heresies. Such destructive heresies lead to destruction not only for the false teachers, but also for those who follow them.




A.    There are false teachers who answer theological questions like politicians. Getting and answer is like soap on a rope, You cannot get a straight biblical answer. Therefore, beware!


1. Oprah:  Your definition of God?  Bell:  “like a song you hear in another room.”


2. Oprah:  The difference between religion and spirituality?  Bell: “Religion is people don’t want to go to hell; spirituality is people who’ve been to hell already.”


3. Oprah:  Prayer to me is _______   Bell:  “the one word ‘yes.’  I’m open.  What’s next?”


4. Oprah:  What’s one lesson that’s been the hardest for you to learn?  Bell:  “That’s there’s nothing to prove!  All we have to do is enjoy.”


5. Oprah:  What do you think happens when we die?  Bell:  “There’s a ton of [greeting] all these people.  Meeting my grandpa [is more exciting to me] than meeting God.”


6. Oprah:  What do you know for sure?  Bell:  “That you can say yes to this moment & experience a joy that can’t be put into words.”


7. The world needs _____  Bell:  “All of us to wake up.”Bell:  “I believe that we’re going to be fine.”


8. Oprah:  God is ________  Bell: “Love.  Stick to that one.”


9. Oprah:  My favorite thing to do on Sunday morning ________  Bell: “Going surfing with his 13 year old.”


B.    Unfortunately, some false teachers today do not even try to conceal their false teachings. Because discernment is lacking in the church, such secrecy is not necessary.

1. The verdict from both Old and New Testaments is unmistakable: God does not tolerate false prophets (cf. Isa. 9:15; Mic. 3:57; Matt. 7:1520; 1 Tim. 6:35; 2 Tim. 3:19; 1 John 4:13; 2 John 711). Ironically, many in todays church do exactly the opposite tolerating any teacher who claims to be Christian, regardless of the content of his teaching. Such mindless acceptance, in the name of love and unity, has tragically produced a careless indifference to the truth. As a result, some Christians view biblical absolutes as an embarrassment, preferring to embrace false teachers despite the Bibles clear protest (Jer. 28:1517; 29:21, 32; Acts 13:612; 1 Tim. 1:1820; 3 John 911). MacArthur in loc.

C.    Ultimately, false teachers introduce destructive heresies. Such destructive heresies lead to destruction not only for the false teachers, but also for those who follow them.

1. False teachers do not always openly oppose the gospel. Some claim to believe it, to have the true interpretation of it; but in truth they misrepresent it, or offer a shallow, inadequate message that cannot save. Because their teaching is as lethal as it is subtle, the self-styled opinions of false teachers can damn the souls of unsuspecting, professed believers (cf. Matt. 13:2022, 3642, 4750). Unless they repent, believe the truth, and turn to Christ, those who embrace these heretical doctrines will be eternally lost.








Grace Bible Church · 4000 E. Collins Rd ·  PO Box #3762 · Gillette, WY · (307) 686-1516