12/021/16 Grace Bible Church,
Gillette, Wyoming Pastor Daryl Hilbert I. DICTUM ON FALSE TEACHERS (1) A. Duration of False Teachers B. Destructive Heresies C. Denial of the Master II. DESCRIPTION OF FALSE TEACHERS (2-3) A. False Teachers Influence People to Follow 1. What makes a false teacher successful is his
or her ability to influence people to follow them, but not follow the Lord. 2. Sad to say in many cases there are many
who “follow” (exaholoutheō - closely adhere and comply, 2Pe
1:16; 2Pe 2:15) false teachers. 3. This is accomplished through various means
and methods. a. Scripture twisting b. Flamboyant personality c. Domineering personality d. Guilt (warnings about divine
consequences) e. Deceit f. False Promises g. Isolation from family, friends, and
outsiders 4. It is not wrong to submit oneself under the
leadership of biblical and godly individuals (1Th 5:12-13; Heb 13:7, 17a).
But even biblical leadership is accountable to the lordship of Christ and His
Word (Heb 13:17b; 1Pe 5:1-4). 5. It is not wrong to submit oneself to the
teaching ministry of a pastor or teacher. But the purpose of doing so is to
learn the Scriptures from a trusted individual who studies and teaches the
Scriptures unbiasedly and with commitment to the truth (2Ti 4:2).
Nevertheless, the Scriptures are the final authority over all Christians and
all Christian leaders. B. False Teachers Influence People to be
Sensual (2) 1. The false teachers themselves were sensual
and they caused their followers to likewise be sensual. 2. “Sensuality” is the Greek word aselgeia
and means to live without moral restraint. BDAG defines it as, a lack
of self-restraint which involves one in conduct that violates all bounds of
what is socially acceptable. a. Sensuality is a deed of the flesh (Gal
5:19). b. Characteristic of the unsaved who are
callous and give themselves over to sensuality in all its forms (Eph 4:19;
1Pe 4:3). c. Characteristic of the sinful men of Sodom
(2Pe 2:7). d. Some turn the grace of God into licentiousness
(Jude 4). C. False Teachers Malign the Truth (2) 1. Because of immoral behavior, and any
unbiblical behavior, a stain is brought upon the name of God as well as the
truth of God. 2. The way of truth is doctrinal integrity and orthodoxy.
True doctrine reveals how God desires believers to live. 3. When the lifestyles of false teachers, or any
professing believer, are contrary to the Bible, Christian doctrine is maligned
(blasphêmeō - profane that which is sacred, defame a reputation). a. True Christianity is blasphemed, reviled,
cursed, condemned by outsiders who see professed Christians running to all
manner of excesses. If that is Christianity, they will say, curse it! When
many follow such excesses, outsiders are unable to distinguish and so blaspheme
the whole way. These false exponents seem true products of the way to them.
(R. C. H. Lenski, The Interpretation of the Epistles of St. Peter, St. John,
and St. Jude D. False Teachers are Greedy (3) 1. Though many may be uncomfortable about
judging the motives of ministers, Peter declares that many of these false
teachers will be greedy. a. “Greedy” is the Greek word pleonexia depicts
a disposition to have more than one’s due or share. It also includes
unbridled avarice and covetousness (cf. 2Pe 2:14). b. Greed is a deed of the flesh (Rom 1:29;
Col 3:5). c. Some have chosen ministry as means of
lucrative gain (2Co 2:17; 1Th 2:5). d. It should not even be associated with
true believers (Eph 5:3). 2. Because of their greed, they exploit
their unsuspecting followers to satisfy their greedy cravings. a. “Exploit” (emporeuomai - carry on
business, deceive another for one’s own advantage, to cheat) is not
always used in a bad sense (Jam 4:13). However, when it is used in the name
of Christ, is perhaps the worst kind of fraud and misrepresentation. b. They have chosen the ministry as a
lucrative profession. Their great aim is to build up a large following and
thus to increase their income. (McGee
in loc.) E. False Teachers Exploit with False Words
(3) 1. How do they cheat sincere religious people
out of their money? They exploit the with false words and deceit. 2. The Greek word for “false” is plastos from
which we get our English word “plastic.”
It is something molded to look like the genuine item. 3. Their theology is not really based on
biblical truth, but only molded by false reasoning to appear genuine (cf.
Col. 2:8, 20–23; 2 Tim. 2:14–18).
(MacArthur, in loc.) 4. They will make up any doctrine in order to
increase their popular and financial support. 5. They make false claims to collect for God and
His work, but the collection is really for themselves. 6. They make false claims to serve others, but
only serve themselves in order to line their pockets. F. False Teachers will Face the Judgment (3) 1. Peter’s words are some of the strongest in
the NT. Peter’s assertion does not go unnoticed, false teachers are
unbelievers by their doctrine and by their living. 2. Furthermore, their end is the same as all
unbelievers, namely, the judgement of God (cf. 2Pe 2:4, 9; 3:7), also
referred to as their eternal destruction (apōleia, Rev 17:8
cf. Mat 25:41, 46; Rev 14:11). 3. In addition, Peter states that their
judgement was decreed from long ago. God is not waiting to see if
these men are going to repent. He knows they will not and therefore His
judgement is not idle or asleep. 4. They will be judged for their own unbelief
and for leading many astray (Luk 17:1-2). 5. Note the sovereignty of God (2Pe 2:3) and the
responsibility of man (2Pe 2:1) in regard to judgment. III. OBSERVATIONS AND APPLICATIONS A. Right living is equally important as
right doctrine. For
if we are true followers of right doctrine then we will follow doctrine’s
instructions on right living. If we have little regard for right living, then
it stands to reason that we have little regard for right doctrine. B. Be on guard against false teaching and
false living. Satan’s goal,
then, is to deceive as many people as possible, both inside and outside the
church, by means of false teachers. In contrast, Gods goal is to identify and
expose such hypocrites. Through Peters warning, the Holy Spirit makes it
clear that false teachers are everywhere and have been since the dawn of
redemptive history. In response, believers need to be vigilant and
discerning, taking to heart the apostolic admonition of Paul to the Ephesian
elders (Act 28:28-32). C. Paul’s life was the ultimate example of
a minister whose
true goal was to teach believers doctrine that leads to holy living (1Ti
1:5). He was also the ultimate example in proving that he was not interested
in exploiting believers for greedy gain (Act 20:33-35). |
Grace Bible Church · 4000 E. Collins Rd · PO Box #3762 · Gillette, WY · (307) 686-1516 |