














Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4:2 -






(Joh 20:9) 4/8/07

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.    Often we are very hard on the unbelief of the disciples. If the truth be known, we could be cited quite regularly for unbelief in many forms.

B.    Nevertheless, there are lessons to be learned from the examples of the unbelief of the disciples. And none are so poignant as the disciple’s unbelief in Christ’s resurrection.

C.    The disciples had heard many proclamations from many different sources concerning Christ’s resurrection. Yet, they persisted in their unbelief (Joh 20:9).

D.    Of course, the disciples believed when the resurrected Christ appeared to them. But at what point did they believe, why, and in what order? Furthermore, what lessons are there for us today?




A.    The disciples’ unbelief did not stem from a lack of information regarding Christ’s resurrection.

B.    Many sources contained the message of Christ’s resurrection.


1.     OT prophecy proclaimed Christ’s resurrection (Psa 16:10-11; 110:1, 4; Isa 53:11-12).

2.     Jesus Himself proclaimed His own death and resurrection (Mat 20:19; Mar 9:9-10; Joh 2:19-22).

3.     The angel who rolled away the stone from the tomb proclaimed Christ’s resurrection (Luk 24:6-7).

4.     The women who went to the tomb proclaimed Christ’s resurrection (Luk 24:9-10; Joh 20:18; Mat 28:10).




A.    In spite of the witness of the OT Scriptures and Jesus’ own words, the disciples did not believe.

B.    Obviously, all of Jesus’ disciples did not understand the Scriptures or who He truly was and therefore did not belief at first.


1.     Even though the Scriptures tell us that Mary Magdalene was the first to see the resurrected Christ, she did not understand and believe (Joh 20:2 cp. vs. 15).

2.     Even the women, who had visited the tomb, after hearing Mary Magdalene’s eyewitness account, they (aútês - feminine pronoun) refused to believe (Mar 16:11).

3.     Even though Jesus’ disciples had been with Him for three years, and heard the angel’s proclamation from the women at the tomb, they responded with a derogatory disbelief (“nonsense” - lếros - silly or frivolous talk - Luk 24:11).




A.    When did the disciples believe, why, and it what order?

B.    John, who apparently shared in the derogatory disbelief, was the first to believe. He also was the only one to believe without having first seen the resurrected Christ.

1.     John outran Peter to the tomb. He looked intently (parakúptō - stoop and investigate) but merely saw (blépō) the linen wrappings from outside (Joh 20:4-5). However, he did not believe yet.

2.     Peter entered the tomb and gazed (théoreō - observe, spectate) at the linen wrappings and perhaps wondered who stole the body (Joh 20:6-7).

3.     John then entered the tomb and saw the grave clothes. Only instead of thinking someone stole the body, he saw (horáō - perceive, understand), perceived that Christ was raised from the dead, and believed (Joh 20:8).


C.    The rest of Jesus disciples, both the eleven and others, did not believe until they saw the resurrected Christ.


1.     Mary Magdalene was outside the tomb when Jesus appeared to her. When Jesus called her name, she recognized Him and called Him, “Rabboni” (Teacher - Joh 20:16)

2.     The women, who were at the tomb (Mary, the mother of James, Salome - Mar 16:1; Joanna, and others(?) - Luk 24:10) were greeted by Jesus and admonished to spread the news (Mat 28:9).

3.     The disciples on the road to Emmaus walked and broke bread with Jesus until their eyes were opened and they believed (Luk 24:31).

4.     Peter believes when Christ appeared to him, but as to the event the Scriptures do not reveal (Luk 24:34; 1Co 15:5a)

5.     Jesus’ disciples were assembled in a locked room when Jesus appeared to them (Luk 24:40-41) and it is here they are reproached for their unbelief.

6.     Thomas is with the other disciples eight days later when Christ appeared to Him. Thomas not only believed but also gave one of the clearest declarations of Christ’s deity in Scripture (Joh 20:28).




A.    The disciples were responsible for their own unbelief. In fact, Jesus reproached his disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart (Mar 16:14).

B.    Belief in the resurrected Christ warrants a divine blessing. When proving to Thomas that He was raised from the dead, Jesus pronounced a blessing on all those who trust in Christ’s death and resurrection without actually seeing it (Joh 20:29).

C.    Everyone is responsible for their belief in the death and resurrection of Christ. Thos who remain hardened and in unbelief will have to bear their own decision throughout all eternity. But, those who come to Christ by faith, even though they have not see Him, are blessed because they received eternal life from the resurrected Christ.

D.    Do you believe?



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