Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4:2 - |
GREEK I Pastor Office:
307-686-1516 Vocabulary Ch. 23 Notes to Ch 23 Examples
Answers to Exercises in Ch 23 Class Answers l. God will not bless the one who is not
walking according to the commandments of Jesus. 2. The ones who are being loved by Jesus
are loving the one who is loving them. 3. While Jesus was speaking to the ones
who were following, the ruler began to exhort him to go away. 4. After we have followed the one who
spoke these things, let us keep seeking his house. 5. If we are loving God, let us keep
keeping His commands and let us keep doing the things which are being spoken
to us by Jesus. 6. When Jesus had done this thing, the
one who had been healed was speaking about him to the crowd which was
following. 7. The apostles were seeing the works,
which were being done by Jesus while they were walking with Him. 8. After the prophet was cast into
prison, Jesus no longer was walking in that country. 9. The ones who are loving God are doing
His commandments 10. Even the ones who had been healed by
Him were doing these things to Jesus. 11. The crowds were seeking Him, in
order that they might see the things which were being done by Him. 12. The ones who are not doing His
commandments are not liking Jesus. 13. Let us keep loving God in out hearts
while loving also the brothers. 14. These things Jesus spoke to the ones
who were following him while was still walking with them in the country of
the Jews. 15. If we are not walking according to
the commandments of Jesus, (then) we will not see His face. 16. After Jesus called them, they were
no longer walking in the ways of evil nor were doing evil. 17. These things you all were doing to
us because you love the ones who called you all by into His kingdom. 18. After He spoke these things after
being raised from the dead, the ones who had been called by Him worshipped
Jesus. 19. The women who had followed Him out
of 20. We will not behold Him if we are not
following Him while (He is) walking in |