













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4;:2 -





Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert


7.     Living Water Discourse: Samaritan Woman (4:1–42) [06-(Jn 4:1-54) 12/16/2009]


a)    More Discontent by the Pharisees (4:1-3)


(1)   The Pharisees already knew that Jesus cleansed the Temple and were discontented enough that Nicodemus was compelled to talk to Jesus under the cloak of night (Jn 3:1-2).jn 4 1

(2)   Now they were learning that Jesus was making disciples (poie/i mathêtàs cp. Mt 28:19) and having them baptized. Jesus’ following was increasing and the Pharisees were not pleased. Therefore, Jesus knowing it was not His “hour” (Jn 7:6, 8, 30; 8:20; cf. 12:23; 13:1; 17:1), went to Galilee.


b)    Jesus’ Ministry in Samaria to Samaritan Woman (4:4-42)


(1)   The Background of Samaritans (4-5)

(a)   In route to Galilee, Jesus purposely went through Samaria. Because the Jews did not associate with Samaritans, they often took a different route by way of Perea in order to arrive at Galilee (cf. Jn 4:9). The Samaritans were Israelites who were left behind when the Northern Kingdom fell in 722 B.C. The intermarried with the nations and synchronized their religion. They even  began to worship on Mt. Gerizim in Samaria (Jn 4:20-22). As a result, Israel rejected the Samaritans, their worship, and their help in the rebuilding of the Temple (Ez 4:1ff) or its walls (Ne 4:1-6). Even Jesus’ disciples were amazed that Jesus was speaking with a Samaritan woman (Jn 4:27).

(b)   However, “it was necessary” (de/I, vs. ) for Jesus to go through Samaria to do His Father’s will (i.e. speak with the Samaritan women). He stopped at Sychar, where Jacob gave his son Joseph the ground (Ge 48:21-22) as well as Jacob’s well. When Jesus asked the Samaritan women for a drink, he broke with all prejudicial protocol and she was shocked (Jn 4:9).

(2)   Living Water (6-18)

(a)   Jesus’ humanness was revealed by the fact that He was weary and thirst.

(b)   However, Jesus answered and dispelled all doubt that He was doing His Father’s will. He used physical water to springboard the conversation to “living water,” an OT symbol for eternal and spiritual life (Je 2:13; Is 12:3; Jn 4:14; 6:35; 7:37-39).

(c)   We see the elements of the Gospel in Jesus’ presentation (Jn 4:10). Saving faith consists of knowledge of the person and work of Christ (“If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,'”) and the act of trust with the will (“you would have asked Him”). The result would be eternal life (“and He would have given you living water."). However, she still did not grasp Jesus’ spiritual meaning (Jn 4:11-15).

(d)   Therefore, Jesus went directly to the spiritual matters of the heart and said, “Go, call your husband and come here.” (Jn 4:16). The women replied that she did not have a husband to which John revealed Jesus’ omniscience and the power to know all men’s thoughts (cp. Jn 2:24). Jesus told the women she had five husbands and was immorally living with a man who was not her husband.

(3)   True Worship (19-24)

(a)   While recognizing that Jesus was a prophet, though not Messiah, either her guilt or curiosity caused her to change the subject. She began to dialogue concerning the place of worship (Jews – Jerusalem (2Ch 6:6), Samaritans - Mt Gerizim (Pentateuch only – Dt 11:29-30).

(b)   Jesus answered that the place of worship would not be as important (Jn 4:21-22) as the heart attitude of worship (Jn 4:23-24). Worshipers must be believers and have the “Spirit” so they can worship from the heart. In order to worship God as He desires, believers must worship from the “truth” which comes from the Word of God (Jn 17:17).

(4)   Public Confession (25-30)

(a)   Though she believed Jesus was a prophet, she apparently did not believe that He was the Messiah (Heb.mashiach from  mashach – to smear, i.e. with oil, anoint cp. 1Sa 16:13, cp. Ps 2:2. It corresponds to the Greek word Christos).

(b)   For the first time in John’s gospel, Jesus explicitly claims to be the Messiah.

(c)   At Jesus’ public confession and because He told her “all the things” that she had done, the Samaritan woman now believed Him. She was so excited that she left the waterpot and went into the city to tell everyone that she had found the Messiah. Because of her testimony, the town came out to see Jesus.

(5)   Will of God (31-38)

(a)   The disciples wanted Jesus to eat, but He had told them that He had been eating spiritual food. His “food,” that which gives sustenance and nourishment for the soul, was doing the will of the Father (cp. Dt 8:3; Mt 4:4). The Father’s will was for the Son of God to offer “living water” to all who believe in Him.

(b)   Believers would do well to look at Jesus’ ministry ethic. Men are busy when the harvest is near and work needs to be done. Jesus states that it is harvest time for souls to hear about salvation in Christ and believers must be busy.

(6)   Harvest of Souls (39-42)

(a)   Jesus spoke of reaping spiritual rewards for sowing spiritual seeds. Jesus would reap the harvest of Samaritan believers.

(b)   Many of them believed that Jesus was the “Savior of the world,” not only from the woman’s testimony, but also because the word of Christ.


8.     Second Sign: Healing of The Royal Official’s Son (4:43–54)


a)    Jesus apparently stopped by Nazareth in Galilee, his hometown, but leaves because of their unbelief (Mt 13:55-58). Therefore, he states that a prophet has no honor in His own country.

b)    Coming to Cana, He was met by a royal official (basilikos - belonging to the king; an official or relative) whose son was at the point of death. He implored Jesus that He would heal his son, but Jesus proclaimed that many only wanted to be entertained by wonders and were not believers. But Jesus, being moved with compassion, tells the official that his son was healed. The royal official finds out that at the exact time Jesus said his “son lives”, he was healed indeed.

c)     The apostle John wrote that Jesus was in Cana, where His first sign was changing water into wine. Jesus was revealed as the Master over all creation. Now John emphatically writes that Jesus is performing His second sign and He is revealed as the Master over all distance.