













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4;:2 -






1Co 15:20-26 (3/12/12)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.    Historical Argument (15:1-11)

B.    Logical Argument (15:12-20)


C.    Theological Argument (15:20-28)


1.     Christ’s Resurrection was the First Fruits (20)


a)    One comment of the reality of Christ’s resurrection reversed every reductio argument (13-19). Paul emphatically and conclusively (“but now” - nuni de) proclaimed the reality that Christ was raised from the dead.

b)    He is the “first-fruits” (aparchę, - first portion) of those who are asleep. This analogy is to the concept of setting apart for God by the offering of the first fruits in the OT (Exo 23:16; 34:26; Lev 23:10-11). Christ Himself is the “first fruits” in His resurrection and the promise of the resurrection to come for those who put their faith in Him (Joh 14:19 cf. Rom 8:23).


2.     Christ’s Resurrection opened the Way for the Resurrection of the Dead (21)


a)    Death (tha,natos - death, in all its forms), the wages for sin (Rom 6:23a), was brought in “by” (dia with the genitive - through agency of) Adam (Rom 5:12).

b)    There therefore needed to be One who would bring life and the “resurrection of the dead.”

c)     That One became a “man” and ‘by” (dia with the genitive) the agency of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ came the certainty of bodily resurrection for those who trust in Him (Rom 5:14, 17, 21).


3.     Christ’s Resurrection will Make Believers Alive Again (22)


a)    All mankind sinned “in Adam” and was positionally judged with everything in Adam, including suffering physical and spiritual death (Rom 5:12).

b)    But because of Christ’s resurrection “all” who put their faith in Christ, will be “made alive” (fut pass of zōopoie,ō - action of being made alive upon somone) spiritually and also physically in the resurrection. These are positionally described as “in Christ” (en Christō - Eph 1:3) and blessed with all spiritual blessings.


4.     Christ’s Resurrection Started the Order of Resurrections (23)


a)    Each resurrection has its own “order” (ta,gma from tassō - arrangement of order, class). Resurrection comes in stages.

b)    It began with Christ’s resurrection which is the basis for all other resurrections, i.e. the “first fruits.”

c)     Paul mentions another group and describes them as belonging to Christ (“Christ’s”, i.e. believers). They will be resurrected at His “coming” (parousia - presence alongside), which specifically is the Rapture (1Th 4:16-17).

d)    There chronological resurrections mentioned in the Scriptures are:

(1)   The First Resurrection (Rev 20:5

(a)   Christ’s resurrection (1Co 15:3-4)

(b)   Many saints in Jerusalem after Christ’s resurrection (Mat 27:50-53).

(c)   Church saints (1Th 4:14-17).

(d)   OT saints and Tribulation saints (Dan12:1-3; Rev 20:4-6).

(2)   The Second Resurrection (Rev 20:6)

(a)   Wicked dead (Rev 20:11-14).


5.     Christ’s Resurrection’s Restores the Kingdom (24-28)


a)    Christ will Hand Over the Kingdom (24-25)


(1)   Paul brings us right to the “end” (te,los - end, fulfillment, or completion) or completion of the plan of God.

(2)   The “end” should not be interpreted as a dismissal of the Millennium. Paul will go on to further explain the “end.” Nor is it the “resurrection” that Paul spoke of in vs. 23 as some suggest.

(3)   He will hand over the kingdom to God the Father. The question could be asked, “What kingdom is Paul referring to?”

(4)   Paul would be referring to the Millennial Kingdom (Rev 20:2-7) where Christ will rule and reign for a thousand years (Rev 11:15; 20:6). At this time He will “abolish all rule and all authority and power” (1Co 15:24) and “reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet” (1Co 15:25).

(5)   Then He will hand over the kingdom to the Father for its “end” or completion.


b)    Christ will Reign until all Enemies are Defeated (25)


(1)   Christ will continue to reign until after the thousand years is over and all of his enemies are defeated.

(2)   They will be “under His feet,” a reference to the sign of a victorious king who places his foot on his enemies neck to show ultimate defeat.


c)     Death is the Last Enemy (26)


(1)   The last enemy is death itself. This will be after Satan is loosed after the thousand years to attempt his last rebellion and deception (Rev 20:8-9).

(2)   But then Satan, the one who had the power of death (Heb 2:14), will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternal punishment (Rev 20:10, i.e. “forever and ever”).

(3)   After this, God will judge the wicked dead who rejected Christ. This will take place at the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-13). They along with Hades and “Death” will be cast into the Lake of fire (Rev 20:14). This is the “second death” and the end of the concept of death for God’s people in His presence.




A.    The Resurrection was not only proof that Christ made a perfect atonement for the sins of man; it was the Divine event that made the concept of resurrection possible.

B.    The Resurrection was not only proof that Christ made a perfect atonement for the sins of man; it was the Divine event that set in motion the rest of God’s program (i.e. resurrections, judgments, Millennium, Great White Throne etc..

C.    The Resurrection was not only proof that Christ made a perfect atonement for the sins of man; it was the Divine event that will do away with death completely.