













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4;:2 -





 (1 John 2:24-29)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert


A.    Growth in Fellowship with God (2:1-6)

B.    Stages of Growth in Fellowship with God (2:7-14)

C.    Dangers To Fellowship with God (2:15-22)


D.    Remaining in Fellowship with God (2:23-29)


1.     Abide in the Truth of the Gospel (24-25)


a)    Writing to believers, John emphatically states that they are to allow the truth they heard to remain in them (24).

(1)   If it remains in them, this is evidence that they are true believers.

(2)   True believers abide in the faith and in the Son.

(3)   Abiding in the Son means that (Jn 15:1-7):

(a)   The believer must draw his life and fruit from Christ (1-2).

(b)   The believer will undergo pruning to bring forth more fruit (2).

(c)   The believer must remain in God’s Word and live his life accordingly to remain in fellowship with God (4).

(d)   The believer cannot live the Christian life in his own strength (4-5).

(e)   The believer bears much fruit by continual abiding and fellowship with God (5).

b)    The truth that is to remain in believers is the simple gospel message (25).

(1)   The gospel message is that God has promised eternal life to all who believe.

(2)   However, true believers will persevere in the faith. The Lord keeps them from falling away (Jud 24). This is known as the, “Perseverance of the Saints.”


2.     Abide in the Spirit’s Teaching of the Word (26-27)


a)    One of the main purposes for John writing this epistle was to warn them about false teachers (26).

(1)   These false teachers were trying to deceive the church and pervert the truth. But, John has uncovered them and their spirit of antichrist (1Jn 2:18, 22, 23) and spirit of apostasy (19).

b)    True believers do not have to rely on these false teachers. The Holy Spirit is the believer’s true teacher (27).

(1)   Even when good men teach, their teaching is subservient to the Word of God and His Spirit. The believer received the Holy Spirit at the moment of faith in Christ.

(2)   The Spirit begins to teach the believer truth from God’s Word. There is no lie or contradiction in God’s Word.

(3)   However, believers must abide in the Word, study the Word, and allow the Holy Spirit to compare Scripture with Scripture (1Co 2:9-16).


3.     Abide in the Righteous Example of Christ (28)


a)    There is controversy over verse 28, particularly with the phrase, “shrink away.”

(1)   Some take this phrase to refer to a weak believer, who, because of his sin, feels shame at the coming of the Lord. It appears possible in Scripture that a believer can feel shame in the presence of the Lord (Phil 1:20; 2Ti 2:15).

(2)   Others see the phrase referring to an unbeliever in the midst of believers. In Heb 10:39, an unbeliever “shrinks back to destruction” (different word - hupostolę - giving up) in the presence of the Lord (cp. Mk 8:34-38).

(3)   Since John uses the phrase, “little children,” and commands them to abide in Him, the phrase, “shrink away,” probably refers to a believer. Furthermore, John is adamant about their status as “children of God” in the next four verses (1Jn 3:1-4).

(4)   The point is that when believers continually abide in Him, they have joy, confidence, boldness, and anticipation toward the Lord’s return (Rom 8:25; 1Co 1:7; Phil 3:20).

b)    True believers abide in Christ. When they do, they exhibit the same righteous living that Christ exemplified (29).

(1)   Only those who are born of Him can produce righteousness.

(2)   Only those who are the true children of God purify themselves even as He is pure (1Jn 3:1-4).


4.     Applications


a)    Is your Christian life described as “fruit,” “more fruit,” or “much fruit?”

b)    What are the areas that keep you from constant abiding?

c)     Are you eagerly awaiting the Lord’s return?