Grace Bible Church

Preaching the Living Word through the Written Word












(2Pe 3:13) 05-17-17

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert



A.    Promises in the OT

1.     The concept of new heavens and a new earth is not new. It had been prophesied from long ago in the Old Testament.

2.     Most likely, Isa 65:17 and Isa 66:22 were the Scriptures that Peter had in mind.

a.     The context of Isa 65 was the Lord’s response of judgment upon His rebellious people who merely superficially called upon Him (Isa 65:1-2).

b.     In spite of the Lord’s Judgment, He will retain a remnant and provide blessing in the future in the return of His people to their land (Isa 65:8-9), a future kingdom, and new heavens and a new earth (Isa 65:17).

c.     The future Millennial Kingdom and the eternal state with new heavens and a new earth are reiterated (Isa 66:22).

d.     Since Peter’s audience were Gentiles as well as Jews, believers in this age are a part of the future kingdom.

e.     Psa 102:25-26 states that the Lord will change the heavens and the earth.

B.    Promises in NT

1.     Peter revealed that in spite of God’s judgment against false teachers, believers will experience the eternal state in which there will be new heavens and a new earth (2Pe 3:13).

2.     John also gave the prophecy of new heavens and a new earth in Rev 21:1.


A.    New in Quality

1.     The word for “new” is the Greek word kainos which most often means new in quality (2Co 5:17), not necessarily new in quantity.

2.     The Greek word normally used for new in quantity or chronology is neos (Mar 2:22).

a.     “new” (neos) wine

b.     “old” (palaios) wineskins

c.     “fresh” (kainos) wineskins

B.    New Quality or Chronology

1.     So, the new heavens and new earth will be new in quality. This has led some to believe that the present heavens and earth will not be totally destroyed but will be made “new” in quality.

a.     Such passages emphasize the radical discontinuity between the old and the new, but it is nevertheless clear that they intend to describe a renewal, not an abolition, of creation (Word Commentary).

2.     However, the wording and context seem to suggest otherwise.

a.     The present heaven and earth will pass away (2Pe 3:10), be destroyed with intense heat (2Pe 3:10), be burned up (2Pe 3:10), be destroyed by burning (2Pe 3:12), and the elements melted (2Pe 3:12).

b.     The entire universe as we now know it will be destroyed (2 Pet. 3:10-13) and be replaced by a new creation that will last forever. (MSB)


A.    Characteristic of Righteousness

1.     One of the ways in which the heavens and the earth will be new is in the characteristic of righteousness.

2.     Righteousness will finally and permanently “dwell” (katoikeō - settle down, be at home) and be at home in the new world. Unrighteousness will be judged, removed, and never allowed back in.

B.    Characteristics of New Jerusalem

1.     The New Jerusalem will be a part of the new heavens and the new earth.

2.     However, there appears to be some controversy surrounding the future New Jerusalem. Does Scripture disclose that the New Jerusalem will be revealed in the Millennium, the eternal state, or both?

a.     Millennium

1)    The New Jerusalem appears to have Millennial references, especially with words like, “nations” and “kings” (Rev 21:24).

2)    In addition, the phrase “healing of the nations” would only apply in the Millennium, for there is no need for healing in the eternal state (Rev 22:2).

3)    Retrospective descriptions without chronological distinction is typical in the book of Revelation. “Babylon” in Rev 17:5 is retrospective of “Babylon” in Rev 14:8. Hence, the city’s description in Rev 21:24 and Rev 22:2 is retrospective to the New Jerusalem in Rev 21:1-2.

4)    Rev 14:8 re 

b.     Eternal State

1)    Since the term “new” for Jerusalem is the same adjective for the “new” heaven and “new” earth (Rev 21:1-2), the chronology is the same, i.e. the eternal state.

2)    The inhabitant’s reign “forever and ever,” yet the Millennium will only be a thousand years (Rev 22:5).

3)    The earthly inhabitants without glorified bodies would not be able to survive in a world with no sun (Rev 21:23) or seas (Rev 21:1).

c.     Both

1)    The New Jerusalem first appears during the Millennium but remains in the sky (Rev 21:2, 10).

2)    After the Millennium, and after the new heavens and earth are created, the same New Jerusalem is brought down to the new earth (Rev 21:3). The phrase “coming down out of heaven” indicates it already existed.

C.    Characteristics of Heaven

1.     In understanding the characteristics of heaven, the characteristics of the New Jerusalem need to be searched.

2.     There will be a New Jerusalem in the New Earth and its description is the only description that reveals what heaven will be like.

3.     No Sea - The old climatic conditions have passed away and glorified bodies need no water (Rev 21:1). In addition, the river of life resides in the New Jerusalem (Rev 22:1).

4.     Divine Illumination - There will be no need for light from the sun for the Lord’s glory will illuminate the city (Rev 21:23). His glory will illuminate the pure and precious transparent jewels in the city (Rev 21:11), including the streets of gold (Rev 21:21).

5.     Great High Wall - It symbolizes security for the bride of Christ as well as the exclusion of all that is sinful (Rev 21:27). Having no sin means that there will be no more tears, pain, or death (Rev 21:4). It is associated with Israel (Rev 21:12) and the church (cf. Rev 21:14). The dimensions of one side of the wall is aprox. 1,400 miles (from Philadelphia to Houston) and four sides aprox. 5600 miles (from New York to Cairo, Egypt).

6.     The City - The city is not only laid out in a square but it is actually a cube so that “its length and width and height are equal” (Rev 21:16). It is aprox. two million square miles, more than enough real estate for all the saints. It has twelve gates, each made out of a large pearl (Rev 21:21).The streets are made of “gold.” This significance is not necessarily that of man’s wealth, but of God’s glory, deity, and eternal throne.

7.     River of Life - The source of the river comes from the “throne of God and of the Lamb” (Rev 22:1). The river is a symbol of peace, healing, and as its name suggests, refreshing abundant life. This river ran down the middle of the great street (Rev 22:2). So, whether coming or going, one always walked alongside of it

8.     Tree of Life - The tree of life is either a collective term for a group of trees on both sides of the river or a large tree that spans both sides of the river (Rev 22:2). The group of trees are able to produce different fruit every month or God created a miraculous tree that does the same. The tree that became prohibited to man after he sinned, is now a symbol of man’s access to paradise as well as immortality (Gen 3:22-24; Rev 2:7).

9.     Throne of God - God and Lamb both reside and rule from the throne (Rev 22:1). The word "throne" is used some 35 times in the book of Revelation alone. God’s abode has always been in the third heaven. However, it will now be in the New Jerusalem fulfilling the promise to dwell among men forever (Rev 21:3).

10.  Face of God - Though the Scriptures say that no man can see God and live (Exo 33:20), it is stated that believers will “see His face” (Rev 22:4). This can be explained by one of two interpretations. 1) It refers to seeing the face of the Lamb, which is equivalent to seeing the face of God (Joh 14:8-9; Col 1:15; Php 2:6; Heb 1:3). 2) It refers to seeing the face of the invisible God with eyes of a glorified body fitted to God in His glory.


A.    The Lord makes all things new.

1.     New Things - Old things are passed away; behold, new things have come (2Co 5:17).

2.     New heaven new earth (Rev 21:1)

3.     New Creation - In Christ we are new creations (2Co 5:17).

4.     New “look” (2Pe 3:12, 13, 14)

5.     New life (tree of life) (Rev 2:7)

6.     New song (Rev 14:3)

7.     New role (reign) (Rev 20:6)

8.     New Attitude (2Pe 3:14)

B.    New creature, New life, New heaven and earth, New role with Christ, New Attitude

1.     If Jesus is coming to reward you, if Jesus is coming to take you to be with Himself; if Jesus is coming to build for you a new heaven and a new earth; if Jesus is coming to deliver you from judgment and to usher you into the great eternal day of God; if Jesus is coming to take you into the kingdom of eternal righteousness, that ought to impact your life. In other words, if you have been made for that, created for that, redeemed for that, sanctified for that, then you ought to begin to live in the light of that. Mac Sermon.






Grace Bible Church · 4000 E. Collins Rd ·  PO Box #3762 · Gillette, WY · (307) 686-1516