













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4:2 -






2Th 1:1 (11/06/11)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.      The greetings that Paul gave in his second letter to the Thessalonians is almost identical to the one he used in his first letter. The difference is that in the second letter, Paul adds to “grace to you and peace,” the phrase… “from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Though the addition is slight and the greeting is similar, it is not without great theological content. It is for this reason that Paul uses this greeting in all his epistles (Rom 1:7; 1Co 1:3; 2Co 1:2; Gal 1:3; Eph 1:2; Phi 1:2; Phm 1:3; 1Th 1:1; 2Th 1:1-2).

B.      The letter was from the faithful servants of God who ministered to the Thessalonians


1.       Paul was always spiritually concerned for those he ministered to, especially when he played a part in their conversion like the Thessalonians (Act 17:1-4).


a)       He “went to them” (Act 17:2a).

b)       He “reasoned (diale,gomai - a reasoned discussion, Eng. dialogue) from the Scriptures” (Act 17:2b).

c)       He “explained and gave evidence” to the death and resurrection of Christ (Act 17:3a).

d)       He declared that “Jesus was the Messiah” (Act 17:3b).

e)       Some “were persuaded” (i.e. believed, pisteu,ō - believe from peithō - to persuade, i.e. persuade with the Scriptures) (Act 17:4).


2.       Silvanus (also known as Silas) was a faithful servant of God in the ministry with Paul.


a)       He was approved by the church and the apostles for ministry (Act 15:22).

b)       He faithfully encouraged the brethren (Acts 15:32).

c)       He, unlike John Mark, endured persecution along with Paul (Acts 16:19).

d)       He was faithful in preaching the Gospel (2Co 1:19).

e)       He faithfully served alongside of Paul (1Th 1:1; 2:1).

f)        He was a “faithful brother” and amanuensis for Peter (1Pe 5:12).


3.       Timothy was Paul’s spiritual son in the Lord, who was asked to join Paul in the ministry (1Ti 1:2).


a)       He became a devoted disciple under Paul’s tutelage (Act 16:1-2).

b)       He was willing to be circumcised so that he could minister to the Jews (Act 16:3).

c)       Timothy was left at Ephesus to correct false teaching (1Ti 1:3; 1Ti 4:6).

d)       Timothy did the work of an evangelist (2Ti 4:5)




A.      Paul was not writing to particular individuals, but to the church of the local group of believers at Thessalonica. The word “church” is the Greek word ekklêsia and literally means the “called” (kale,o) “out” (ek) ones or the ones called together or assembled. It was a secular word (Act 19:39-41 cp. Act 7:38) before it was coined by the NT writers, so it does not emphasize a metaphorical meaning as called “out” of the world.

1.       It would lean toward a literal meaning of being called “out” of one’s home in order to gather together (Though, in its beginning, the early church met in homes, Rom 16:5; 1Co 16:19; Phm 1:2).

2.       Thus for much of the time it would refer to the local church (Act 8:1; 11:22, 26; 14:23, 27; 15:22, 41; 18:22; Rom 16:1; 1Co 1:2; 2Co 1:1; Col 4:16) where like-minded believers assemble to worship, study the Word, pray, become edified, become equipped, and prepare to do the “work of service” (diakonia - service, fr. diakonos - servant or minister).

B.      However, ekklêsi,a  is also used to refer to the universal church, which refers to all true believers in the Church Age, from Pentecost to the Rapture (Eph 1 22-23; Heb 12:23; 1Ti 3:15). In this usage, the metaphorical meaning of ekklêsia comes into play where the church is “called out” of the world and placed into the body of Christ.

C.      The Thessalonians were part of the local church and the universal church because Paul does not refer to a particular building at Thessalonica, but the living organism of believers gathered at Thessalonica.




A.      Thessalonians were not just people who gathered together in a particular place; rather they obtained a spiritual position that was “in God and Christ.”


B.      The believer’s spiritual position is:


1.       Wrought in the believer at the moment of faith.

2.       Solely the work of God, without any dependence on the believer himself.

3.       Given as a complete work of salvation, not in stages.

4.       Begun presently in the believer’s life.

5.       Given as an eternal work, never to be change or reversed.


C.      The preposition “in” (Grk. en; i.e. “in” the center of a circle or sphere) described the sphere to which the Thessalonian believers were placed. It is described by the phrase “in Christ.”


1.       It is the spiritual position that all those who trust in Christ reside (2Co 5:17).

2.       It is the spiritual position in which the Holy Spirit places the believer (1Co 12:13).

3.       It is the spiritual position that has replaced the old position which is described as spiritual death (Eph 2:1), under the domain of Satan (Eph 2:2), inability to live righteously (Eph 2:3a), and inheritors of the wrath of God (Eph 2:3b).

4.       It is the spiritual position that will no longer receive condemnation for sin (Rom 8:1).


D.      The book of Ephesians is the epistle that views the believer’s spiritual position in Christ.


1.       The believer’s spiritual position contains all spiritual blessings (Eph 1:3)

2.       The believer’s spiritual position began before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4).

3.       The believer’s spiritual position includes forgiveness of sins (Eph 1:7).

4.       The believer’s spiritual position continues God’s work in the believer in this life (Eph 2:10).

5.       The believer’s spiritual position is sealed in Christ by the Spirit (Eph 1:13).

6.       The believer’s spiritual position is eternally settled in heaven (Eph 2:6; Rom 8:39).

7.       The believer’s spiritual position will reveal more riches in eternity (Eph 2:7).

8.       The believer’s spiritual position in Christ in the church will glorify God (Eph 3:21).




A.      As believers, we are servants of God like Paul and his evangelism, Silvanus and his encouragement to believers, and Timothy and his discipleship and teaching.

1.       We must go, reason from the Scriptures, explain and give evidence that Jesus is the Christ.

2.       We must be faithful in our service to the Lord and encourage other believers.

3.       We must always be on guard against false teaching.

B.      As believers, we belong to the local church (ekklêsia), which is part of the universal church. Therefore, we are “called out” from the world to serve the church of the living God just like the Thessalonian church.

1.       Not every church is a church in God. Only a church that is made up of those who have trusted in Christ alone by faith alone.

2.       We are a bona-fide church of the living God because it is Jesus’ church which He promised to build (Mat 16:18). It is a privilege to serve in Christ’s church as a servant of God.

3.      The English word “church” comes from the Old English word “cirice” or “chirche”. Even this word comes from a Greek word kyriakos and means “belonging to the Lord (kurios)”.

C.      As believers, we have a spiritual position in Christ like the believers in Thessalonica.

1.       We are in Christ and have every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph 1:3).

2.       We are accepted in the Beloved (Eph 1:6 cp. Eph 2:13). It means that we have the favor of God through Christ. It means that He has bestowed upon us His favor and grace. If you are a believer, God is not out to get you, you are already in as his beloved child (Joh 17:23).