













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4:2 -






2Th 2:4-7 (03/25/12)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.      He Promotes Himself as God (4-5)


1.       After reassuring the Thessalonians that the Day of the Lord had not happened because “the apostasy” and the “man of lawlessness” had not come first, Paul describes the person and the program of the Antichrist.

2.       Both the Antichrist’s person and program are focused on elevating himself and removing any worship of religion.

a)       The Antichrist is the “one who opposes” (antikeimai - in hostile opposition, enemy, lit. “one who is setting himself against”) God.  Because this is a present middle participle, the Antichrist will himself continue to make hostile oppostion his purpose.

b)       Not only will he oppose God but he will continually be “exalting” (huperairō - uplift oneself, raise over) himself.

c)       His selfish ambition will attempt to raise himself “above every so-called god” (lit. “over everything that is being called God”). Any hint of God or religion (true or false), he will not tolerate. Anything or anyone else being an “object of worship” besides himself will be removed by him (Rev 17:16) so that he alone is worshipped (Rev 13:3-4, 8, 12, 14).

3.       His goal is to be God himself, which has always been the plan of Satan and now being worked out through the Antichrist.

a)       His program is to “take his seat” (aorist infinitive - kathizō, completed and permanent action of sitting down, lit. “sits down”) in the “temple of God” and there to be worshipped.

b)       His purpose is “displaying himself” (apodeiknumi - demonstrate, put oneself on display, proclaim oneself, lit. “continually promoting”) “as being God” (lit.“that He himself is God”). This has always been the plan of Satan as demonstrated by the five “I will’s” of Isa 14:12-14. Satan is working his plan through the Antichrist.

4.       Paul was faithful in “continually telling” (imperfect active - le,gō - speak or tell) the Thessalonians many things in order to strengthen their Christian lives. This also included teaching them detailed eschatology and the program of the Antichrist (5).


B.      He is Restrained by the Restrainer (6-7)


1.       Since Paul had taught the Thessalonians, they knew what or who will be restraining the man of lawlessness. The word for “restrain” is kate,chō and literally means to “hold down, hold fast, or hold back.” Often it refers to “holding fast” to something in a good sense (Luk 8:15; 1Th 5:21; Heb 10:23). It can also mean to suppress or restrain (Rom 1:18).

2.       So what or who is the restrainer? There are numerous interpretations such as 1) human government, 2) preaching, 3) binding of Satan, 4) the church, and 5) Michael the archangel.

3.       However, the one that truly fits the grammar and the context is that the restrainer is the Holy Spirit.

a)       In vs. 6 “what restrains” (to kate,chon, present participle, lit. “the thing that is restraining) is neuter in gender. This speaks of a “force” that holds back the force of Satan and the Antichrist. In vs. 7 “he who now restrains” (ho kate,chon, present participle, lit. “the one who is restraining) is a masculine gender and speaks of a “person” who is holding back the person of the Antichrist. The Holy Spirit is a Divine Person (Joh 14:26; 15:26; 16:13, “he” - ekei,nos, masculine demonstrative pronoun) who exerts His force holding back Satan and the Antichrist.

b)       It is the Holy Spirit’s ministry to “convict” (ele,gchō) the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment (Joh 16:8-9). It is not a stretch to see how this has a restraining force in the world.

c)       Furthermore, it could only be the force of a Divine Person that could restrain the power of Satan and the Antichrist, something even Michael the archangel does not possess (Jud 1:8-9).

4.       It is quite possible that there is a direct connection between the Holy Spirit as Restrainer and the Rapture of the Church.

a)       The Holy Spirit indwells the Church (true believers) on earth (1Co 3:16; 6:19).The Church will be removed from earth at the Rapture (1Th 4:16-17).So we can say that the Holy Spirit’s special indwelling ministry in the Church will be removed at the Rapture.

b)       The Holy Spirit’s special indwelling ministry in the Church removed at the Rapture fits with the timeframe stated as, “until he is taken out of the way” (heōs ek me,sou ge,nêtai, lit. “until he is out of the way” (genêtai - aorist deponent  with active force)).

c)       The Holy Spirit Himself, being omnipresent, can never be removed. However, His special indwelling ministry in the Church can.

d)       The Holy Spirit’s ministry of convicting the world of sin works through the Church’s holy living and preaching of the gospel. This could relate to the force that is restraining the Antichrist from “being revealed”.

(1)    When the church leaves the earth in the Rapture, the Holy Spirit will be taken out of the way in the sense that His unique lawlessness-restraining ministry through God’s people will be removed (cf. Gen. 6:3). BKC

(2)    The removal of the Restrainer at the time of the Rapture must obviously precede the day of the Lord. Paul’s reasoning is thus a strong argument for the pretribulational Rapture: the Thessalonians were not in the Great Tribulation because the Rapture had not yet occurred. BKC

5.       Even though the Antichrist is held back from being revealed, the mystery of lawlessness is already at work.

a)        Mystery” is the Greek word mustê,rion and in the NT does not mean something that remains a secret. Nor does it resemble the deduction of a mystery novel. Rather it means something that God has kept unknown in the past, but now has revealed . There are a number of “mysteries” like this mentioned in the NT (Rom 16:25; 1Co 2:7*; Eph 1:9, 3:3-5; Col 1:26-27).

b)       This particular mystery has to do with lawlessness and the man of lawlessness. “Lawlessness” (anomi,a - without law, not governed by the Law of God) is the idea that men will live openly in opposition and rebellion to God’s Law.

c)       It is “already at work” (ê,dê energeitai, lit. “already presently working”), not in the sense that the Antichrist has been revealed, but that evil and lawlessness permeates the world to a great degree. Lawlessness is in the world (Mat 24:12; 2Co 6:14; 1Jo 3:4 cp. Rom 4:7; Tit 2:14) but the reason that it is not fully unleashed  is because the Restrainer is keeping it in check. When He is out of the way, it will be the unbridled and dominant force at work.

(1)     In this case the mystery is the revelation of a future climax of lawlessness in the world. Then and now a movement against divine law directed by Satan was and is operative. BKC

(2)     But it is being restrained somewhat, and this restraining will continue until the time appointed for revealing the man of sin and the climax of lawlessness. BKC




A.      Some might believe that in the struggle between good and evil, evil is winning. The truth is that the evil is being kept from being completely unleashed in the world today. Unfortunately that day is coming, but so is the day when the Lord will defeat Satan and all the evil in the world.

B.      The Holy Spirit is using the church in this present age to be a part of His restraining force on evil in the world. We might think we are not making much of an impact by our holy living and witnessing, but the reality is that the Holy Spirit is using those things along with His restraining power to keep evil at bay.

C.      There is another mystery at work which is the mystery of Christ in the believer, the hope of glory (Col 1:27). Not only is the Holy Spirit restraining evil but He is revealing Christ in and through the believer.