













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4:2 -






2Th 2:4 (03/18/12)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.      The Apostasy Precedes the Wrath  of the Day of the Lord (2Th 2:3b)


1.       Paul said that “the apostasy” had to come “first” (prōtos - first, Eng. “prototype”) before the Day of the Lord could come. 

2.       “Apostasy” (apostasi,a) literally means to “fall away from ,“ i.e. fall away from a stand. It can also simply mean to “leave.”). As a religious term, it means to change loyalties, defect, or rebel against a former position, specifically a religious belief (cp. Act 21:21).

3.       Paul’s particular statement was not speaking of general apostasy that will always co-exist alongside of God’s truth and God’s people (1Ti 4:1; Heb 3:12 cp. 2Ti 3:1-5; Luk 8:13).

4.       Rather this is “The Apostasy” (with the definite article - hę apostasi,a, feminine, singular, nominative) which could be characterized as the apostasy of apostasies. This would be a rebellion led by the Antichrist himself that would cause world-wide rebellion against God and His people Israel.

5.       Some see “the apostasy” with the possible meaning of “departure” (cp. Act 12:10) referring to the Rapture. Most likely, according to the context and it religious connotation it refers to the ultimate apostasy that originates from “the man of lawlessness” in the middle of the Tribulation who leads the multitudes to worship Satan and himself (cp. Rev 6:17).


B.      The Antichrist Precedes the Wrath  of the Day of the Lord (2Th 2:3c)


1.       Not only would apostasy come first, but the central figure regarding the apostasy would also be revealed (apokalu,ptō - uncover, unveil to make known) before the Day of the Lord.

2.       He is the “man of lawlessness” (anomi,as - without law) specifically with no regard for God’s Law. He is also called the “son of destruction (apōleai fr. apollumi - to destroy) meaning that his character and actions will be the epitome of destruction for those who follow him as well as his own end.

3.       He is also known by other names: “the prince who is to come” (Dan. 9:26) and “the little horn” (Dan. 7:8), “the beast” (Rev. 13:2–10, 18) and also the most known as the “Antichrist.”


C.      The Word Antichrist and its Meaning


1.       The word antichrist is anti,christos and contains the preposition anti which can mean  over against, opposite, to replace or instead of. So the antichrist is a spirit or person who is against and opposes (Christos) Christ), His person, work and truth.

2.       John speaks of the “spirit of the antichrist” that opposes the teaching of Christ and biblical truth (1Jo 4:3 cp. 1, 2, 6). Those who promote such things do so by the spirit of antichrist and are themselves called “antichrists” (1Jo 2:18, 22; 2Jo 1:7).

3.       However, there is a particular individual who is the “Antichrist” who is not Satan but directed and empowered by Satan (Rev. 13:2). He is the “man of lawlessness’ spoken of in Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians.




A.      His Background

1.       Some suggest that since the Antichrist will deceive the Jews to believe he is the Messiah, he must be a Jew.

2.       Some suggest that the fact that the Antichrist will set up an abomination that causes desolations shows that he wants to eradicate Judaism and leads one to believe he will be a Gentile. Furthermore, the type of religion the antichrist will set up in Rev. 13:11-18 is clearly a non-Jewish religion. These supported by the fact that he will be a ruler that rises from the Western Federation seems to strongly suggest that he will not be Jewish.

B.      His Beginning

1.       The Antichrist will be revealed when he signs a covenant with the Jewish people (Dan 9:27a). This will begin seven years of the Great Tribulation as depicted by Daniel’s 70th week (Dan 9:24-27).

2.       The Antichrist has a number for his name. It is called the mark of the beast, which is 666 (Rev 13:17-18).

3.       2) Some have attempted to attribute historical names to the Antichrist. Nero’s name with its Hebrew numerical equivalency adds up to 666. Some see similar explanations for Caligula. Some have attempted to equate present day names with the 666.

4.       But the best explanation is that the number six symbolizes imperfect humanity, who is inferior to a perfect God represented by the number seven. With this in mind, the Antichrist is a man, who will be judged by God the Son.

C.      His Breaking of the Covenant

1.       In the middle of the Great Tribulation (Daniel’s 70th wk), the Antichrist will break his covenant with Israel, stop their sacrifices, and commit the “abomination that causes desolation” (Dan 9:27 cp. Mat 24:15).

2.       The abomination that causes desolation is not specifically described, but it will be something that is desecrating and sacrilegious. It most likely could be something akin to an event that happened in 165 B.C. by Antiochus IV (Epiphanes), pagan king of Syria, who sacrificed a pig on the holy altar before the Temple of Jerusalem.

D.      His Brutality

1.       The Antichrist will attempt to eliminate the two witnesses (Rev. 11:3-10).

2.       There will also be widespread martyrdom of all who refuse to worship the Antichrist (Mt. 24:9; Rev 6:9-11; 16:4-6; 17:6)

E.       His Basilica

1.       Satan will give the Antichrist his throne (Rev 13:2).

2.       He will demand that he be the object of all worship (2Th 2:4; Rev 13:3-4).

3.       The Antichrist will rid himself of all religious opposition (Rev 17:16).

4.       He will be supposedly wounded unto death and supposedly resurrected (Rev 13:3).

5.       The Antichrist will blaspheme and wage holy war (Rev 13:5-7; 19:19).

F.       His Business

1.       The Antichrist will coerce worship through control of all economy (Rev 13:16-17).

2.       Men will become slaves of the man of sin and will have to bear the identifying mark of their slavery. 

G.      His Brevity

1.       In ultimate war with Christ, the Antichrist will be defeated. Man’s best attempts with Satanic power cannot defeat God.

2.       The Antichrist and the false prophet will be defeated by Christ and thrown into the lake of fire forever (2Th 2:8; Rev 16:14; 19:19-20).



A.      Spirit of Antichrist - Any person, organization, or church that rejects the Person and work of Christ is the spirit of antichrist.

1.       Though he has stated that a true believer will demonstrate the love of God, it is the denial of doctrinal truth that earns the title of the spirit of antichrist.

2.       “Spirit” (pneuma) here would refer to any false teacher or false prophet who would promote doctrines produced by “deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” (1Ti 4:1-5). They deny:

a)       Jesus added humanity to His deity (1Jo 4:2). (Cp. Gnosticism, Docetism, Apollinarianism)

b)       Jesus is confessed as the Son of God with full deity and equivalent in every sense to God (1Jo 4:3). (Cp. Gnosticism, Ebionism, Arianism)

c)       Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone as opposed to the world’s religion centered on self-righteousness and works (1Jo 4:5).

B.      Spiritual Warfare - When it comes to spiritual warfare, there is no question that the main assault is against doctrine and biblical truth.

C.      Spiritual Battle - is fought with the “sword of the Spirit” (Eph 6:17) through the Holy Spirit (1Jo 4:4) in testing and detecting error, promoting biblical teaching, and following its instruction in order to combat the spirit of antichrist (1Jo 4:6 “error” pla,nę - straying from the truth by deception and delusion).