













Grace Bible Church

4000 E. Collins Rd.   P.O. Box #3762   Gillette, WY  82717   (307) 686-1516


- Preaching the Living WORD through the Written WORD - 2 Tim 4:2 -







2Th 2:8-12 (04/01/12)

Grace Bible Church, Gillette, Wyoming

Pastor Daryl Hilbert




A.      He Promotes Himself as God (4-5)

B.      He is Restrained by the Restrainer (6-7)


C.      He Will be Brought to an End by the Second Coming (8)


1.       After the Restrainer (the Holy Spirit) is removed at the Rapture of the Church, it is at that time that the “lawless one” will come on to the scene. He will be identified as the one who signs a covenant with Israel (Dan 9:27a) and begins the ultimate Apostasy (2Th 2:3).

2.       Before going into more detail concerning the Antichrist, Paul reveals his end. As terrible as the term of the Antichrist will be, it has been revealed to the Thessalonians that his end will be swift and permanent. “The Lord will slay” him. “Slay” (anaire,ō - purposely put to death or kill) can be used as a military term (Eze 26:11), a judicial punishment (Luk 23:32 cp. Act 2:23) or  can express  swift action (Mat 2:16).

3.       The Lord will do this with the “breath of His mouth,” an expression that refers to the execution of His power by His word. As He created the world by the word of His power (Gen 1:1; Psa 33:6, 9; 2Pe 3:5; Heb 1:3), so he can destroy by the word of His power (2Th 2:8; Rev 2:16; 19:13, 15, 21). Thus He will destroy the Antichrist (Rev 19:20 cf. Satan’s end will come after the Millennium, Rev 20:2, 10).

4.       The Lord will bring the Antichrist and his short reign to an “end” (katarge,ō - abolish and rendered inoperative) and usher in the new age of the Millennium (Rev 20:4).

5.       This will happen by means of  Christ at His Second “Coming” (parousi,a - presence alongside) when He comes to earth with His saints (Rev 19:14).


D.      He Will be in Accord with Satan (9)


1.       Paul goes back to give more detail concerning the lawless one. It is he whose “coming” (parousia - presence alongside) is in accordance with the activity of Satan. The Antichrist’s “coming” is not in the order of our Lord’s glorious appearing, but rather it should be translated “presence” (i.e. when he comes on the scene).

2.       It is “in accord” (kata. - agreement with, accordance) with Satan and his counterfeit plan. Satan is the mastermind and source of the Antichrist’s timing and direction.

3.       Satan’s “activity” (ene,rgeia - workings, operative power) will be to replicate God’s position and power (2Co 11:13-15). In so doing Antichrist will attempt to deceive, disguise, and pass himself off as God (2Co 11:13-15; 2Th 2:4).

4.       The Antichrist will carry out Satan’s program by the use of signs and miracles. Paul described that it will be through “power” (du,namis) acts that demonstrate supernatural powers, “signs” (sêmei,on) acts that point to the performer, and “wonders” (te,ras) acts that mystify and amaze. These will all be “false” (pseudo - false or deceit, last in construction and applies to all three acts) in the sense that they will appear to be true miracles of the power of God, but they are merely supernormal and not supernatural. Satan has some power though limited (nevertheless, deception is his forte, vs. 10), but these false miracles will but in the sense that they deceive the masses into believing the Antichrist is the true God.

a)       True Miracles by God and Christ:

(1)    Are only performed by the power of God.

(2)    Are only performed on the basis of righteousness and truth.

(3)    Are signs to identify God as the one true God alone.

(4)    Are wonders that draw observers to God alone.

b)       False Miracles by Satan and Antichrist:

(1)    Are only performed by the deceptive power of Satan (Rev 13:14).

(2)    Are only performed on the basis of unrighteousness and deception.

(3)    Are deceptive signs to identify Satan and Antichrist as God.

(4)    Are false wonders that draw observers to Satan and Antichrist.

(5)    Are an attempt to counterfeit God and Christ’s true miracles and program. (Death and resurrection Rev 13:3 cp. Rev 5:6)


E.       He Will Deceive the Masses (10)


1.       Along with these false wonders Satan will attempt to deceive the masses (cp. Joh 8:44; Rev 12:9). “Deception” is the Greek word apa,tê, which means to deceive by purposeful trickery or seduction (2Pe 2:13; Col 2:8; Mar 4:19 ). All deceit is sin, but such deceitfulness is “unrighteous” (adiki,a).

2.       It will especially be directed toward “those who perish” in that believing such deception from the “son of destruction” they will follow him to their own destruction (“perish” apo,llumi, same word as in 2Th 2:3).

3.       In addition, they were deceived to their own destruction because they inherently did not “receive the love of the truth.” In other words, they may have understood the truth but did not love God nor did they have a desire for the truth of God’s Word.

4.       Had they sought God and received His truth about Christ, they would have been “saved”.


F.       He Will Lead them to Delusion and Judgment (11-12)


1.       Because the masses did not receive the love of the truth, God will send to them the “deluding influence” (ene,rgeian pla,nês - lit. “working of delusion”) associated with the Antichrist’s deception (11).

a)       If a person completely turns away from the truth, God turns them over to the delusion and all its influence and workings. They will believe the Antichrist’s delusion hook, line, and sinker. Just as in the case of unrepentant sin, God turns them over to their sin to reap all of the consequences of the sin (Rom 1:24, 26, 28). Not only has the external restraints of the Restrainer been removed, but all internal restraints are removed by God.

b)       As a result, they fully “believe what is false” (“false”tō pseudei, “the deception” that the Antichrist promotes) from the Antichrist and do without remedy.

2.       Since they would not receive the truth, God gave them over to the Antichrist’s deception “in order that” (h,ina - conjunction of purpose,for the purpose that”) they will receive the just “judgment” of God, along with the Antichrist (Rev 19:20-21) (12).

a)       They not only refused to “believe the truth” but “took pleasure in” wickedness. Eudoke,ō means they were “well (eu) pleased (doke,ō)” and “delighted” in wickedness.

b)       Wickedness” (adiki,a) is the same Greek word used in vs. 10 and literally means “unrighteousness” which is the basis for unrighteousness and wicked participation and deeds.




A.      Those who reject Christ and His truth will be deluded and turned over to sin and judgment (Rom 1:24, 26, 28; 2Th 2:11-12).

B.      The love of the truth will ward off Satan’s deception for the believer (Joh 3:19-21).

C.      The believer must be on guard for Satan’s deception and limited power because he is the “the prince of the power of the air” (Joh 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; 1Jo 5:19; Eph 2:2-3).