BEGINNING TO BIRTH - Part 3 (Mt 1:18-25)
12/14/14 Grace Bible Church,
Gillette, Wyoming Pastor Daryl Hilbert I. MATTHEW’S RECORD OF THE BIRTH OF CHRIST
(Mt 1:18-19). A. Mary Found with Child (Mt 1:18). 1. It is quite possible that Matthew was
giving an apologetic against the false accusations regarding Christ’s virgin
birth (Joseph and Mary’s infidelity; Roman soldier etc.). Matthew records the
prophecies and events surrounding Christ’s birth. 2. Mary was “betrothed” (mnāsteuō
- pledge in marriage) to Joseph. Betrothal in the Bible was different
from our term “engaged.” It was regarded as a lawful marriage, but with a waiting
period of about a year (Dt 20:7; 28:30 cf. “her husband” Mt 1:19). Sexual
relations outside this relationship would be considered adultery. 3. During their time of betrothal, Mary was
found to be with child. However, this was not adultery in any form because
Matthew records that this miracle was “by (ek - also through) the Holy
Spirit.” 4. This divine conception “by” (ek - lit.
out of) the Holy Spirit was a divine mystery though Scripture reveals
that: (1) It was through the agency of the Holy Spirit (Mt 1:18, 20; Lk
1:35). Therefore, it was not immoral or sinful. (2) The “conception” (gennaō
- pregnancy or birth, Mt 1:20; Lk 1:31, 35) was by divine creation in the
“womb” (gastār - stomach or womb, Mt 1:18, 23; Lk 1:31) of Mary.
(3) It was associated with the divine presence referred to as “over-shadow” (episkiazō,
Lk 1:35 cf. Ex 40:34-35; Ps 91:4; Mt 17:5; Lk 9:34). So it was unlike
mythological fables. B. Plan to Send Mary Away (Mt 1:19). 1. The angel Gabriel had already revealed to
Mary about this miraculous birth (Lk 1:26-35), but Joseph did not know until
an angel appeared to him (Mt 1:20). 2. Joseph, no doubt, was disappointed,
nevertheless he acted in a righteous (“being a righteous man”) and gracious
manner. Therefore, he intended to send her away secretly rather than have her
disgraced or punished (cf. Dt 22:23). II. THE APPEARANCE OF AN ANGEL (Mt 1:20-23). A. Verification of the Spirit’s Agency (Mt
1:20). 1. An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a
dream to confirm that these happenings were from God (cf. Ge 31:24 cf. Mt
2:12, 13). 2. These things were from God; so, the angel
confirmed that Joseph, from the lineage of David (“son of David”), should not
be “afraid” (phobeō) to take Mary as his wife. 3. Mary was not an adulterer; rather, the
conception of the child within her was “of” (ek - lit. out of) the
Holy Spirit. B. Identification of the Savior’s Name (Mt
1:21). 1. The angel began to identify the child in
Mary’s womb as a son. His (human) name would be “Jesus” (Heb. Joshua,
Jehovah saves, Ex 24:13; Neh 7:7) but the meaning points to Him as the
Messiah and Savior. The same message was given to Mary (Lk 1:31) 2. Though many would bear the name Jesus in
that day, none of them were conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of a
virgin nor would accomplish atonement for the sin of mankind. C. Fulfillment of Prophecy (Mt 1:22-23). 1. Matthew will correlate some twelve
prophecies concerning Jesus the Messiah in his gospel. Prophecy is God’s
revelation to man about His sovereign decrees and activities for the future. 2. This prophecy was from Is 7:14. In its
historical context, the sign of a son being born to a virgin would assure
King Ahaz that he would not be attacked by other nations (Is 7:3-16 cf. 2Ki
16:5-9). However, the prophecy’s ultimate fulfillment would be in the virgin
birth of the Messiah. D. Description of the Virgin. 1. Though many have debated the meaning of
the Hebrew word almah (young maiden or virgin) in Is 7:14, Matthew
(and LXX) gave its particular definition with the Greek word parthenos,
which means one who has never engaged in sexual intercourse, i.e. a virgin
(BDAG). 2. To show this was a miraculous fulfillment
of prophecy, Matthew articulated the fact of Mary’s virginity: (1) Mary had
no previous sexual relations with Joseph, “before they came together” (Mt 1:18). (2) She was referred to as “the
virgin” (parthenos) who “shall be with child” of Isaiah’s prophecy (Mt
1:21 cf. Mt 1:23). (3) Mary was “kept a virgin” (ouk eginōsken, lit.
“he did not know her) until she gave birth to Jesus (Mt 1:25). (4) Mary
declared her own virginity in Luke (Lk 1:34). E. Description of the Child as God. 1. In spite of the claims that only John’s gospel
described Jesus as God, Matthew gave one of the clearest declarations for
Jesus’ deity. 2. His name would be “Emmanuel” (Heb.
Immanuel, immanu - with us (is), El - God, i.e. He is the God who dwells with
man). 3. The child who would be born to the virgin
would be both full deity as well as
perfect humanity without sin (Theanthropic Person, i.e. the
God-Man). 4. Is not this an equivalent of John’s
gospel in that he said, “And the Word
(Eternal Logos and God) became flesh (human), and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:14). III. THE MARRIAGE OF JOSEPH AND MARY (Mt
1:24-25). A. Joseph Took Mary as his Wife (Mt 1:24). 1. After understanding that Mary’s
conception had a divine cause and purpose, Joseph followed the angel’s
instructions. 2. Joseph finalized the betrothal process,
except for consummation the marriage (Mt 1:25), and took her as His wife. B. Joseph Kept Mary a Virgin Until Birth of a
Son (Mt 1:25). 1. Matthew recorded that Mary, though pregnant,
was a virgin, and must temporarily remain a virgin until she bore a son
(fulfilling “she shall bear a son” from 7:14). 2. In opposition to Roman Catholic belief,
Mary did not remain in perpetual virginity (cf. “before they came together” -
Mt 1:19, and “until she gave birth” - Mt 1:25). After the birth of Jesus, Joseph and Mary
had other children (Mt 12:46; 13:55). IV. PURPOSES OF THE VIRGIN BIRTH. A. It was a Fulfillment of Prophecy (Mt 1:18,
20, 21; Is 7:14; Ge 3:15). B. It was a Divine Miracle. C. It Explained His Incarnation (Mt 1:18, 21,
25; Jn 1:1; He 2:17). D. It Identified the Messiah (Mt 1:18, 25). E. It Identified the holy Son of God (Lk
1:35). F. It Identified the Savior (Mt 1:21). |
Grace Bible Church · 4000 E. Collins Rd · PO Box #3762 · Gillette, WY · (307) 686-1516 |