CHRISTIAN LIVING - 1 (Col 3:1-3) 09/17/17 Grace Bible Church,
Gillette, Wyoming Pastor Daryl Hilbert I. SEATED WITH CHRIST (Col
3:1a, 3a) A. Proposition: Before the
believer can put into practice the principles of the Christian life, he must
understand the basis of the Christian life, namely the believer’s union with
Christ. B. Context: The title for the book of
Colossians is the “Supremacy of the Person and Work of Christ.” 1. Ch. 1 is
the “Supremacy of Christ in Doctrine” 2. Ch. 2 is the “Supremacy of Christ in
Defense” 3. Ch. 3 is the “Supremacy of Christ in
Duty” 4. Before Paul gives practical principles to
the Colossians, he first sets forth doctrine. Correct doctrine is the
foundation for correct duty. C. Paul begins with a logical
connection (“therefore”) between not living according to the
elementary principles of the world (Col 2:20) and living according to the
principles of the Christian life (Col 3:5). D. “If” is a simple condition of fact
that is assumed (“since”). It is assumed that Paul is writing to
believers and it is a fact that all believers have been raised with Christ. E. The believer’s spiritual union with Christ
is a reoccurring theme in Colossians. The union consists of being united in
Christ’s death and Christ’s resurrection. 1. Death a. Died to
sin in the removal of the flesh by spiritual circumcision (Col 2:11). b. Died and buried with Christ in spiritual
baptism (Col 2:12a). c. Died to the Law (Col 2:14). d. Died to the elementary principles of the
world (Col 2:20). e. Died with Christ positionally (Col 3:3). 2. Resurrection a. Raised
in spiritual baptism (Col 2:12). b. Raised and made spiritually alive with
Christ (Col 2:13). c. Raised to seek the things above (Col
3:1). d. Raised with Christ positionally (Col
3:3). F. Explanation of “Died with
Christ” 1. What does
it mean when Paul states, “For you have died with Christ (Col 3:3)?” 2. The Holy Spirit spiritually baptized the
believer into Christ’s death (Rom 6:3; 1Co 12:13). 3. The accomplishments of Christ’s death
were applied to the believer in every sense. 4. The believer is dead to sin so that he
will not continue to live in sin (Rom 6:1-2, 4a, 6-7, 14). 5. The believer is to reckon (logizomai)
upon the fact that he is dead to sin (Rom 6:11-12). G. Explanation of “Raised
with Christ” 1. What
does it mean when Paul states that the believer “has been raised with
Christ? (Col 3:1)” 2. The Holy Spirit spiritually baptized the
believer into Christ’s resurrection (Rom 6:5; 1Co 12:13b). 3. The accomplishments of Christ’s
resurrection were applied to the believer in every sense. 4. The believer is raised with Christ to
live in newness of life unto God (Rom 6:4b, 8b). 5. The believer is not only raised with
Christ but also “seated with Him” (Eph 2:6). 6. The believer is to reckon upon (logizomai)
the fact that he is raised with Christ (Rom 6:11b, 13b). II. SETTING YOUR MIND ON
CHRIST (Col 3:1b, 2) A. Seek the Things Above 1. Though
the believer is to reckon upon the fact that he has died and been raised with
Christ, the believer is put those positional principles into practice. 2. He is to: 1) seek the things above and 2)
set his mind on the things above. 3. The Greek word for “seek” is zęteō
and means to search or pursue something (cf. Mat 6:33). 4. This is not optional for the believer
because “seek” (zęteō) is a present imperative which could be
translated as, “You must keep on seeking.” 5. What is the believer to seek? The
believer is to seek the things above. The things above are heavenly
things as opposed to earthly things. 6. However, this is not referring to some
mystical experience, which incidentally, numerous secular and Christian
mystics claim it does. B. Seek Christ 1. Paul
qualifies the “things above” as the realm “where Christ is.” The book
of Colossians is focused on exalting Christ. Wherever Christ is, that is
where the believer focuses because the believer’ focus is ultimately on the
person and work of Christ. 2. Christ is at the right hand of God.
The right hand of God symbolizes several things: the finished work of Christ
(Heb 1:3; 10:12); the exaltation of Christ (Act 2:33); the Lordship of Christ
(Eph 1:20; 1Pe 3:22), and the ministry of Christ (Rom 8:34). 3. From the context of the book of
Colossians, we learn what the believer is to seek in its various aspects. a. It would
be seeking the true knowledge of Christ’s Person, in whom all the fulness of
Deity dwells in bodily form (Col 1:18; 2:9). b. It would also be seeking the true
knowledge of Christ’s work, by whom the believer has been made complete (Col
2:3, 10). C. Set Your Mind on the
Things Above 1. Set Your
Mind a. In an
even more practical sense, Paul instructed the Colossians to “set their
minds” on the things above. b. The Greek word is phroneō and
means inner thinking (1Co 13:11), have a frame of mind, or attitude (Php
2:5). c. It also is a present imperative and
implies commanded continuous action, “You must keep on setting your mind.” 2. Not
Things on Earth a. The
previous context suggests that the things on earth include the
avoidance of the elementary principles of the world (philosophy, mysticism,
legalism, and ascetics) (Col 2:8-23). b. According to the next context, the things
on earth suggest putting to death fleshly passions (Col 3:5-9). 3. On
Things Above a. The
context continues to suggest setting the mind on the things above can
refer to putting on the new self, who is being renewed to a true knowledge in
the image of Christ (Col 3:10). b. In putting on the new self, the believer
is to be conformed to the image of Christ and become Christlike in his
behavior (Col 3:11-13). III. SECURE IN CHRIST (Col
3:3b) A. Because the believer was brought
into spiritual union with Christ’s death and resurrection, the believer’s life
was placed “with Christ,” a reference to the believer’s position “in
Christ” (Eph 1:3). B. The word “hidden” (perfect tense
of kruptō - to keep from being seen or discovered, Eng, encrypted)
has the idea of keeping something from being seen or discovered. C. This means that because of the believer’s
position in Christ, the believer is secure. In other words, the believer’s
salvation is kept secure because he is hidden from everyone and everything
that would try to remove us out of our position. D. Where is the believer? He is seated with
Christ in the heavenly realms in the presence and under the protection of the
Father (“in God,” cf. Joh 10:28-29). IV. OBSERVATIONS AND APPLICATIONS A. How to Set your Mind on
Things Above 1. Realize
you have the “mind of Christ” (1Co 2:16). 2. Realize your mind is set on the things of
the Spirit (Rom 8:5 cf. Rom 8:9). 3. Put away childish and worldly thinking
(1Co 13:11). 4. Implement biblical and Christ-like
attitudes (Php 2:5). 5. Saturate your mind with Scripture (Col
3:16). 6. Renew your mind on Scripture (Rom
12:1-2). V. CONCLUSION A. By understanding your
union with Christ, by seeking Christ, and setting your mind on Christ, you
have the basis for the Christian life and are ready to put its principles
into practice. |
Grace Bible Church · 4000 E. Collins Rd · PO Box #3762 · Gillette, WY · (307) 686-1516 |