WITH YOUR SOUL - 2 Mk 12:30, 2/15/15 Grace Bible Church,
Gillette, Wyoming Pastor Daryl Hilbert I. USAGES FROM SCRIPTURE (NASB) II. THE MEANING OF THE SOUL A. The Greek word for “soul” is psuchē.
Its literal meaning is to “blow or breath.” From this, the soul is seen
as the immaterial part of man, i.e. “breath-soul.” From the Old Testament,
the “soul” (Hb. nephesh) has several shades
of general meanings such as living being, life, self, or person. It also
contains desires, appetites, emotions, and passions. Primarily, the soul is
the result of God’s breath of life that caused man to be a living being (nephesh “soul,” Ge 2:7).
The soul encompassed everything that God intended in creating man in His image
(rational, emotion, will, conscience, morality, and the ability to worship
God). At death, the soul departs from man’s body (Ge
35:18). B. The human
soul is a living, vivifying, incorporeal, spiritual substance possessing
reason and adapted to the governing of the body (Augustine, The Concept of the Human Soul). III. THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN SOUL AND SPIRIT IV. THE SOUL’S LOVE FOR GOD A. Worship of the Soul 1. When man was created, his soul was created in innocence
without sin. When man sinned, his soul was tainted by sin. Therefore, every
area of the soul of man such as his heart, spirit, conscience, mind, and will
was also affected by sin. 2. As a result, man experienced physical and
spiritual death. Death is better understood as “separation.” When man dies
physically, his immortal soul is separated from his body. When man died
spiritually, his soul was separated from a relationship with God. If man does
not repent and trust in Christ’s finished work on
the cross, his soul will be eternally separated from the presence of God. So,
we read in Ezekiel 18:4, the soul who sins will die (cf. Mt 10:28). 3. Christ came to save the sinner’s soul (Jm
1:21; 1Pe 1:8-9). When a sinner places his faith in Christ’s atonement and
resurrection, his soul is saved (including his body in the resurrection, i.e.
the whole person). He is forgiven and given eternal life and the spiritual
part of the soul is made alive (cf. Ep 2:1-6). 4. The believer’s soul is then able to
worship God: thirst for God (Ps 42:1-2), satisfied by God (Jer 31:14),
anchored in God’s promises (Heb 6:19), rejoice in God (Ps 35:9; 84:2; Ps
108:1), exalt God (Lk 1:46), and most importantly, love God (Mk 12:30). B. Encouragement of the Soul 1. It is no surprise that the soul can be troubled either from
the difficulties of life (Ps 31:7; Ps 124:4-5; Ps 143:3-4, 11; Pr 21:23) or
because of its own sin (Ps 41:4). a) Sometimes the troubles and worries of the soul can choke out
the Word (Mt 13:22). b) Jesus’ Parable of the Sower teaches that
the troubles and worries of the soul in regard to
the world can prevent the Word from taking root in the soul. This applies to
unbelievers. However, believers can take their eyes off Christ and His Word
because of the worries of the world. 2. The believer’s soul can be encouraged. a) The soul can be encouraged and restored by the Word of God (Ps
19:7; Ps 119:20, 25). (1) The Word of God can encourage the believer
in restoring his soul (Ps 19:7). “Restore” (shub)
basically means to “return.” It can apply to the backslider (“restore”) or
the unbeliever (“convert”). Both of them can be bought back to the Lord by
God’s Word. (2) The Word of God can revive the believer (Ps
119:25). The word for “revive” is chayah and
means to give or restore life. The believer
constantly needs to be revived in his spiritual life and the Word is Spirit’s
instrument to accomplish this. (a) It can turn our eyes away from vanity (Ps
119:37). (b) It can fulfill our spiritual longings (Ps
119:40 cf. Mt 5:6). (c) It can influence our obedience (Ps 119:88;
Ps 119:11). (d) It can comfort our afflictions (Ps
119:107). (e) It can assure our forgiveness (Ps 119:156). (f) It can increase our love (Ps 119:159 cf.
Ps 119:97). b) The soul can be encouraged by prayer (1Sa
1:15; lifting up the soul - Ps 25:1; Ps 86:4; Ps 143:8). (1) The soul is encouraged through prayer. When
the believer is in the presence of the Lord through prayer, it is then that
he begins to see God as sovereign and all-wise. (2) The believer not only gains encouragement
through prayer in afflictions, but afflictions motivate the believer to turn
to God (Ps 119:67, 71, 75). c) The soul can be encouraged by praising
God (1) The soul can praise God and ought to do so.
For giving praise to God is the soul’s glorious duty (Ps 103:1; Ps 104:1; Ps
146:1). (2) God is worthy of our praise and rejoicing
regardless of what we may be going through (Php 4:4). d) The soul can be encouraged by other believers
(1Sa 18:1 cf. 1Th 5:11, 14). (1) God has created men’s souls to appreciate
and identify with the souls of others (1Sa 18:1). Therefore, we can
fellowship (koinōnia - in common)
and empathize because our souls can relate to the experiences of life. (2) Therefore the believer is able to encourage
(1Th 5:11, 14)
and comfort the souls of others with the comfort God has given him (2Co
1:3-4). e) The soul can encourage itself (Ps 42:5,
11; 43:5; 62:5; 116:7). (1) Speaking to ourselves is the internal
process of encouraging ourselves with the truths of Scripture. (2) It also becomes part of the practice of
biblical meditation and prayer. f) The conclusion is that the soul can be
encouraged and cultivated to love God (cf. Dt 6:5; 10:12; 11:13; 30:6; Mt
22:37; Mk 12:30; Lk 10:27). C. Sacrificial Life 1. Forfeit the World for the Soul (Mar
8:36-37) a) This is an exhortation to unbelievers to
place the highest value on the soul by trusting Christ as Savior. Even if one
gains the whole world, it does not compare to the soul’s eternal life with
Christ. Only Christ can give life, peace, and rest for the soul (Mt 11:29). b) However, there is also an application for
believers. Having trusted in Christ, the believer’s soul must love the Lord
and live for Him. Nothing else in life can compare to this and nothing else
should take a higher priority. 2. Give up the Soul for Christ (Re 6:9;
20:4) a) In Re 6:9 and Re 20:4, we observe souls in
heaven who were willing to be martyred for Christ, the gospel, and His Word. b) When we lose our lives (soul) for Christ,
we actually gain our lives (soul) (Mt 16:25; Lk 21:12-19). c) The believer entrusts his life to Christ
who is the Guardian of his soul (1Pe 2:25) who sanctifies and preserves it
(1Th 5:23). 3. Motivation to Win Souls for Christ (Pr
11:30) a) Knowing that the soul who sins will die,
and that all souls sin, it is wise to win souls for Christ (Pr 11:30 cf. Eze
18:4; Mt 10:28). b) Winning souls does not mean we are
competing with other believers to see if we can bring more unbelievers to
Christ. Rather, it means that we introduce men to Christ so that He can save
their souls (1Pe 1:8-9). |
Grace Bible Church · 4000 E. Collins Rd · PO Box #3762 · Gillette, WY · (307) 686-1516 |